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Build the First Node of a Conversation Tree

What comes after the chatbot? The Node.

A Node is a set of message response(s) that can be triggered by following a designated path and trigger. A chatbot is basically layers of connected tree nodes. The First Node usually refers to the first message response of a Chatbot, and it is always a General Node.

In the following time, we are going to adopt the following conversation tree diagram as the skeleton of your first chatbot:


Both chatbot reply and final result are nodes while the user action is the trigger that can leads you to those nodes following the correct path. The whole structure is a conversation tree.

Now, let's build your first general node!

Expected Outcome

The first general node is created to send the greeting message, which will be triggered by a ice breaker bubble.

Your first general node
Expected Outcome

Add the First Node

  1. Head to Bot Builder and start working on your chatbot.

  2. Select "+" on top right corner of workspace and select "+ Chatbot Node".

Add Chatbot Node
Add Chatbot Node
  1. In the Node Inspector panel, fill in the node Name and Description.
Add Your first general node

Build the Response

  1. Scroll down to "Responses" and click "+ New Response".
Add response
Add response
  1. Open the "Platform Tab", select "Add Platform" and then "Webchat".
Select Webchat response
  1. Select "Text" as message type and enter the greeting message. Then, select "+ Quick Replies".
Add greeting message
  1. Add a "title" and a "payload" in order to create a quick reply button. This is for checking out the restaurant's menu.
Create first quick reply
  1. Add another quick reply button, for checking out the shop info.
Create second quick reply

Create Payload Trigger

  1. Create a new trigger.

  2. Select "Keyword/Payload" and enter a payload value. For example, GET_STARTED.

Create payload trigger

Create Ice Breaker

After creating a response and trigger, we need a way to trigger it. This time, let's create an ice breaker bubble which can lead you to the greeting message.

  1. Head to the Web Chat channel -> "Platform".

  2. Under "Ice Breakers and Persistent Menu", create a new ice breaker button.


The "payload" must match with the trigger of the chatbot node. For example, GET_STARTED.

Create an ice breaker

Add Chatbot to Channel

  1. Head to "Chatbot Settings".

  2. Add the chatbot under "Default". Remember to "Save" the settings.

Add Chatbot to Channel
  1. Finally, open the full page Web Chat by clicking "Test your bot" in "Platform", and test by selecting the ice breaker.
Expected Outcome