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Stage Three - Production Deployment

When you have completed the final testing with the priority group and decided to release the new tree build to the public, you should proceed with the following procedure.

Copy Tree Settings from Priority Group

Notify Chatbot SubscriberYou should let your chatbot subscribers know that there is a possibility of Chatbot downtime a couple days before the production deployment1
Build a Chatbot Tree for MaintenanceCreate a message response telling user that the chatbot is currently under maintenance2
Replace Existing Off Tree TemporarilyReplace the existing Off Tree with the maintenance chatbot tree temporarily until you have completed the production deployment3
Toggle Off Master SwitchToggle off the master switch to activate the maintenance tree4
Update Post IDUpdate the Facebook Post ID of the comment reply trigger; This post should be created in the production Facebook Page; Applicable to comment reply chatbot for Facebook Messenger only5
Update Core VersionYou can change the core version of your tree build; A newer core version is released from time to time with updates to existing features or new features6
Update Default TreeAdd the new tree build & the corresponding Global node to the default tree. Unless specified by priority group or business availability, WOZTELL will run the default tree for the all users7
Set Up Live Chat TreeAdd the new tree build to the Live Chat Tree; If your build has live chat capability, WOZTELL will run the Live Chat Tree when live chat mode is turned on for the specific user8
Update Off TreeAdd the new tree build to the Off Tree. If you have set the business availability for your chatbot, WOZTELL will run the off tree during non-office hour for all users.9
Set Up Channel MetadataAdd metadata for channel-wide adoption; This metadata can include data source ID, API path for an advanced function or even a basic greeting response; A metadata like data source ID is probably applied in multiple actions or responses across your tree build.10

Copy Channel Settings from UAT Channel

Add Channel DetailsAdd description and name to explicitely express the purpose of this Production channel; Skip this if you are deploying to an existing Production Channel1
Add WebhooksAdd inbound/outbound webhooks; Applicable to use cases which need a copy of chat record from WOZTELL (i.e. Custom Inbox); Skip this if you are deploying to an existing Production Channel or do not require this funciton2
Connect PlatformConnect to a messaging platform; It should be the same type as the one in the Production Channel; Skip this if you are deploying to an existing Production Channel3
Set Up Get Started/Persistent MenuSet up or update the Get Started Button & Persistent Menu (Applicable to Web Chat & Facebook Messenger Platform only)4
Set Up Business AvailabilityAdd your chatbot/live chat operating hours and mark exceptions (public holiday); You may handle non-office hour scenarios using If it is false, it refers to the non-office hour case ( === false).5
Set Up Live Chat SettingYou can set an idle timer to execute a node during live chat mode; This is mainly used to end live chat automatically; Skip this if your build does not have live chat capability6