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Build the First Node of a Chatbot

What comes after the chatbot? The Node.

A Node is a set of message response(s) that can be triggered by following a designated path and trigger. A tree is basically layers of connected nodes. The First Node usually refers to the first message response of a Chatbot, and it is always a Node.

In the following time, we are going to adopt the following conversation tree diagram as the skeleton of your first chatbot:

Sample tree diagram
Sample tree diagram

Both chatbot reply and final result are nodes while the user action is the trigger that can leads you to those nodes following the correct path. The whole structure is a conversation tree.

Expected Outcome

You can find your created first node in your workspace.

Your first tree node
Your first tree node

Add the First Node

Enter your Bot Builder and starting building your chatbot.
  1. Select "+" on right top corner of workspace.
  2. Select "+ General Node".
Add Tree Node
Add Tree Node
  1. After that, a panel will be revealed on the right. This is the Node Inspector.
  2. Fill in the node name and description. Remember to save the node first.
Fill in node details
Fill in node details

Build a Response

  1. Scroll down to "Responses" and click "+ New Response". Now, we are going to create the response of our first node, that is "Hi, what do you want to do?"
Add response
Add response
  1. A new window of Response Builder will be opened. You can first name this response.
Click + New Response
Click + New Response
  1. Open the platform tab. Then, select "Add Platform".
Open Platform Tab
Open Platform Tab
  1. Select "WhatsApp Cloud" from the dropdown list.
Select Response Platform
Select Response Platform

Create Reply Button

  1. Select "Reply Button" as the response type. Select a "Header" type, and enter the content for header and body.
  1. Select "+ Buttons".
  1. Create a button with a "title" and a case-sensitive "payload".
  1. Create another button. Then, save the response.
  1. Finally, save the node.