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Member Unsubscribe Flow


Users who have interacted with your chatbot are considered as members/subscribers. Their information and conversation history will be stored in the "Members" page in WOZTELL. However, not all the users are happy with receiving updates and notifications from your chatbot.

In this section, you will learn how to apply a Member Unsubscribe Flow to your chatbot and allow users to unsubscribe by themselves. As a result, the unsubscribed members will be automatically excluded from the audience while sending push messages in Push Panel.


Unsubscribed members can no longer receive push and agenda messages. Although they can still interact with the chatbot, some of the WOZTELL Inbox functions might be affected.

Expected Outcome

Trigger Unsubscribe Flow
Trigger Unsubscribe Flow
Unsubscribed Member
Unsubscribed Member

Sample Chatbot Structure

Sample Chatbot
Sample Chatbot

Create a Chatbot & Node

  1. Head to "Bot Builder" in WOZTELL

  2. Create a chatbot and name it as "Unsubscribe Flow".

Create a chatbot
Create a chatbot
  1. Create a chatbot node and name it as "Unsubscribe Message".
Create a node
Create a node
  1. Create a Response. Add a text response to indicate users about the unsubscription, for example, "Your subscription has been cancelled."
Create a response
Create a response
  1. Scroll down and toggle on Member Tagging, type "Unsubscribe" and click enter to create the tag. After that, remember to save the node.
Member tagging
Member tagging

Create a Pre-action

  1. Head to Pre-actions. Create a new pre-action.

  2. Enter the following code. It will unsubscribe the corresponding user from your member list.

Add a pre-action
Add a pre-action
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.member.botMeta.subscribe = false
member: this.member,

Create a Global Node & Trigger

  1. Create a Global Node, name it as "Unsubscribe Global".
Create a global node
Create a global node
  1. Create a trigger.

  2. Select "Keyword / Payload" and "+Keyword Groups". Type the keyword and confirm it by clicking "Enter".

Create a keyword trigger
Create a keyword trigger
  1. Toggle on Redirect, and select the "Unsubscribe Message" general node.
Redirect to node
Redirect to node

Add Unsubscribe Chatbot to Channel

  1. Head to "Channels", click "Edit" to enter the channel.
Enter Channel
Enter Channel
  1. Head to "Chatbot Settings", select "+ New Chatbot" in default.
Chatbot Settings
Chatbot Settings
  1. Add the "Unsubscribe Flow" to this channel, and tick the global node "Unsubscribe Global". It means this global node will apply to all chatbots in this channel. Remember to save the settings afterwards.
Add chatbot to channel
Add chatbot to channel
  1. Now, you can start testing the unsubscribe flow!