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Set up Dialogflow Integration

In order to enhance the user experience with your chatbot, one way is to apply Natural Language Processing (NLP) to the conversation flow. As a result, your chatbot will be able to interpret more complex input and provide more appropriate response to the end user.

Dialogflow is a NLP platform, that incorporates Google's machine learning expertise and products and is built on Google infrastructure which can be optimized for the Google Assistant. It can process both voice and text-based conversation.

In this section, you will learn how to install the Dialogflow Integration to your WOZTELL app for processing text input from end users.

Dialogflow Setup

Create a Project

  1. Go to Dialogflow with your Google account and click "Create Agent".
Dialogflow interface
Dialogflow interface
  1. Name your agent and create a new project
Create new agent
Create new agent
  1. Click the gear icon and enter the settings page.

  2. Click the link under "Project ID".

Dialogflow Setting
Dialogflow Setting

Create Service Account

  1. Head to the "Service Accounts" settings under "IAM & Admin". Click "+ CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT".
Head to service account
Head to service account
Create service account
Create service account
  1. Fill in the service account details and select "Create".
Fill in service account details
Fill in service account details
  1. Select "Dialogflow API Admin" for role.
Select Dialogflow API admin
Select Dialogflow API admin

Create Key

  1. Select the created "Service Account" and click "+ CREATE KEY".
Select Service Account
Select Service Account
  1. Choose JSON for key type.
Choose JSON for key type
Choose JSON for key type
  1. Download the new private key in JSON.
Download the new private key
Download the new private key

You have now saved a new JSON file in your computer. Open the file in any text editor and you will get the private key for connecting Dialogflow on WOZTELL.

Install Dialogflow Integration

  1. Select "Integrations" at the top menu bar.

  2. Select "+ Integration" button to add new integration.

  1. Find and select "Dialogflow".
  1. Select the latest version and proceed by "Get".
  1. Enter a name to the "Alias" field for identifying this integration. The description is optional. Click "Install" to complete the installation.

Set up Dialogflow Integration

  1. Select the installed Dialogflow integration.
  1. To complete setting up the Dialogflow integration, you need to fill in the Client Email, Project ID and Private Key.
  1. You can find these information from the JSON key downloaded previously.

For the Private Key, please remove all the "\n" in the key and break the lines properly.

  1. You have completed setting up the Dialogflow integration! Let's move on to the next section and learn how to apply it to your chatbot.