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Web Chat Platform Management

Inside the channel, the "Platform" is where you can manage settings specific to the Web Chat Integration.

Apply Web Chat Plug-in

The most common use case is to apply the Web Chat as a plug-in in your webpage, so that visitors can kick start a conversation in the small chatroom. Alternatively, you can also provide a link which redirects to the chatbot in full page.

  1. Head to "Platform" of your Web Chat channel.

  2. You can find the Head Script and the Body Script, in order to apply them to a webpage.

Web Chat Head Script
Web Chat Body Script
  1. Besides, you can copy the link from "Test Your Bot", and try out your Web Chat in full page.
Web Chat Body Script

Customize the Interface

The Web Chat Integration allows you to customize the chat room interface in various ways. You can control these settings at the bottom sections of the platform page.

Web Chat Settings

Business Info

  1. In "Platform" of your Web Chat channel. Scroll down to the bottom sections.

  2. The Business Info is a page that allows you to write and present the basic information of your business.

Business Info FieldDescription
LogoImage URL for the top logo of chatroom.
Bot Agent ImageImage URL for the icon of bot agent.
NameName of the chatbot.
Legal NameLegal name of the business.
AboutDescription about the business.
AddressAddress of the business
Contact NumberContact number of the business.
EmailEmail of the business.
Web Chat Business Info
  1. In the Preview, you can click on the chatbot icon to view the Business Info page.
Web Chat Business Info Preview


  1. In Preference, you can enable/disable the bot agent icon and change the theme color of the chatroom.

By disabling Show Agent Profile, the image URL entered for "Bot Agent Image" will be ignored. Please note that if the "Bot Agent Image" is absent, the main logo will always be the fallback icon of bot agent icon.

Web Chat Preference
  1. Apart from the preset Theme Color, you are allowed to customize any other color.
Web Chat Custom Theme

Ice Breakers

  1. In "Platform" of your Web Chat channel. Scroll down to the bottom sections.

  2. Ice Breakers provides options to first time visitor in order to kick start a conversation. The ice breakers text will be presented as bubbles and they are only visible first time visitor to the chatroom.

Web Chat Ice Breakers
  1. Under the Ice Breakers tab, select "+ Add Question".
Web Chat Ice Breakers
  1. Input the text and a payload for triggering the corresponding flow in the conversation tree.
Web Chat Ice Breakers

Persistent Menu

  1. In "Platform" of your Web Chat channel. Scroll down to the bottom sections.

  2. The Persistent Menu provide a set of options that can be triggered at anytime. The menu can be displayed by clicking the button at bottom left of the chatroom.

Web Chat Persistent Menu
  1. Under the Persistent Menu tab, select "+ Add Button".
Web Chat Persistent Menu
  1. Create buttons on the persistent menu by filling the required information.
Button TypeDescription
PostbackA payload, for trigger another node in the conversation tree.
URLAn URL that redirects user to the assigned website.
Web Chat Persistent Menu

Locale Groups

  1. In "Platform" of your Web Chat channel. Scroll down to the bottom sections.

  2. The Locale Groups allows you to create multiple language settings for the web chat.

Web Chat Locale Group Settings
  1. Under the Locale Groups tab, the Default locale will always be present, you can assign a Locale for this locale group.
Web Chat Locale Group Settings
  1. Select "+ Locale Group" to create another locale group.
Web Chat Locale Group Settings
  1. As a result, a new language options will be available in the chatroom.

We will explore more about multilingual settings in section 2.1.

Web Chat Locale Group Settings