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Build your First Chatbot

In WOZTELL, building a chatbot is much easier than you think!

You don't need any prior chatbot knowledge or experience. With the Detailed Instructions and Introduction to Basic Concepts, our step-by-step guide will lead you on a journey to explore, understand and create you first chatbot in WOZTELL.

This chatbot will greet you at the start. Then, ask you a question and let you choose between two answers. Finally, your choice will be saved to the database.

How should your Chatbot start a conversation?

We say "Hi" to the people we have met, and we can do the same with our chatbot. When you say "Hi" to your chatbot, you want your chatbot to greet you too!


STEP 1 : Sign up/Log in WOZTELL

  1. First, go to and register for a free trial account. If you have already created a WOZTELL account, log in and we are ready to go!
Sign up/Login WOZTELL
Sign up/Login WOZTELL

STEP 2 : Build the First Node

Create the First Tree

What is a Tree?

A chatbot is based on a Conversation Tree, which simulates a hierarchical tree structure. With nodes and branches, a tree stands for a complete conversation flow. Therefore, creating a tree is always the first step to build a chatbot.

  1. To create your first tree. Go to "Bot Builder" and click on "+ Create Tree".
Create a tree
Create a tree
  1. In the Tree Manager, fill in the Name and Description for your first tree. Click "Save".
Create a tree
Create a tree
  1. Now we have entered the Workspace. This is where you will construct your tree and complete a conversation flow.

Build the First Node

What is a Node?

A chatbot is based on a tree, while a tree is basically formed by a set of nodes. A Node is a message response that can be triggered by a designated path and trigger.

Click here to learn more about node.

  1. To create a Node, click on "+", then select "+ Tree Node".
Create tree node
Create tree node
  1. In the Node Inspector, fill in the Name and Description for your node. Click "Save".
Fill in Node Info
Fill in Node Info

Create Response

What is a Response?

A Response is the message that your chatbot will send to a user when a node is triggered. You can set more than a set of responses in a node, and you can also choose from a list of message types for different platforms.

Click here to learn more about response.

  1. In the Node Inspector, under Response, click on "+ New Response".
Add New Resposne
Add New Resposne
  1. Click on "+ New Response". Fill in the Name and Description for the response.
Fill in Response Name
Fill in Response Name
  1. Select "Text" from the dropdown. Input the content for your response. You can see the preview on the right side. Click "Save". Now you have created the message response for your first node!
Input Content
Input Content

Create Trigger

What is a Trigger?

A Trigger is a way to notify a node to send its response message. With the right trigger, the end user can enter the right node in a conversation flow.

Click here to learn more about trigger.

  1. In the Node Inspector, under Trigger, click on "+ New Trigger".
Create Trigger
Create Trigger
  1. Fill in the Name and Description for your new trigger. Then, in Keywords, input "Hi". Therefore, this node will be triggered when the user types "Hi".
Create Keyword
Create Keyword
  1. Now we have created a Keyword Trigger! Remember to click "Save" to save the changes made to this node.
Save Trigger
Save Trigger

STEP 3 : Connect to Channels

What is a Channel?

A Channel is where you decide which messaging platform you want to deploy your chatbot onto. Each channel is created for one platform to hold your chatbot.

Click here to learn more about channels.

  1. To create a new channel, go to "Channels", select "+ New Channel".
Click + New Channel
Click + New Channel
  1. Now, fill in the Name and Description for your new channel. Click "Save".
Channel Name
Channel Name
  1. Go to "Platform" on the left menu. Select "Web Chat". Click "Save".
Web chat channel
Web chat channel
  1. Go to "Trees" on the left menu, select "Settings". Then, click on "+ New Tree" and select your first tree. Click "Save"
Tree Settings
Tree Settings

Test Your Greetings Message

Now you have created your first tree and a node that contains a trigger and response. Once you have connected your tree to the channel, you can test your result with Web Chat.

  1. Go to "Platform" on the left menu. Scroll down to locate "Test Your Bot". Copy the link and open it in your browser.
Wen chat link
Wen chat link
  1. Now you can type the Keyword you have created to test you first chatbot! See the expected outcome.

STEP 4 : Build Child Nodes

We've created the first node, what's next?

We will build two more nodes following the first node, and continue to expand our tree structure.

  1. Create two new tree nodes following the first node. Fill in the Name for both nodes.
New Child Nodes
New Child Nodes
  1. In the new nodes, create distinct text response in the two new nodes respectively.
Response: Apple
Response: Apple
Response: Orange
Response: Orange

Create Quick Reply

What is Quick Reply?

In response, Quick Reply is a kind of messsage type that presents a button. It will only be displayed once and will be dismissed once it is clicked.

  1. Go back to the first node, create a new Response.
New Response
New Response
  1. Select "Quick Reply" as the message type. Fill in the content and input a Payload in block letters.
Quick Reply
Quick Reply
Quick Reply: Apple
Quick Reply: Apple
  1. Repeat Step 22 to create another "Quick Reply".
Quick Reply: Orangee
Quick Reply: Orangee

Create Payload Trigger

What is Payload?

Payload is a case-sensitive and self-defined value used for buttons. The payload value of a button response must match with the corresponding trigger of another node.

Click here to learn more about payload.

  1. Go to the node "Apple", create a trigger. Input the Payload that you have set for the quick reply.
Create a Trigger
Create a Trigger
Payload: APPLE
Payload: APPLE
  1. Repeat step 24 in the node "Orange".
Payload: ORANGE
Payload: ORANGE

Test your Child Nodes

Now you have created two quicky replies and two child nodes at the second layer of your tree.

  1. In web chat, click on any one of the quick reply buttons. The correpsonding response should be displayed.
Test your Result
Test your Result
  1. Now, if you type "Hi" again, will the chatbot greet you again? The answer is NO. What should we do if we want to go back to the first node?
Test your Result
Test your Result

Node to Match

To better understand what's going on, you can first learn about the Node To Match.

Node to Matcht
Node to Matcht

WOZTELL will save the node a member is last in. Then, it will decide where to go next. The next node to be matched can be the child nodes, global nodes or global nodes on channel level.

At this moment, since we have no global nodes and no child nodes directly connected to the current node, no next node can be matched and we are stuck at this node.


  • Child Node: Node directly connected to the current node
  • Global Node: Node that can be triggered anywhere in a tree
  • Channel Global Node: Same as global node, but can also be triggered even it is in another tree in the same channel
Click here to learn more about node to match.

STEP 5 : Build a Global Node

What is a Global Node?

A Global Node is a node that can be triggered at any point of the conversation, while a Tree Node can only be triggered following a designated path in a tree.

Click here to learn more about global node.

Create a Global Node

  1. In your workspace, click on "+" and create a new global node. Global nodes are stored in the Node Drawer.
Create Global Node
Create Global Node
Global Node
Global Node

Create a Trigger

  1. Click "+ New Trigger" to create a new trigger. Set "Hi" as the keyword trigger. Click "Save".
Create Keyword Trigger
Create Keyword Trigger

Toggle on Redirect

What is Redirect?

Redirect is function applicable to a node that can lead the user to a specific node of the same tree or another tree.

Click here to learn more about redirect.

  1. Toggle on Redirect. Select this tree, and select the "Hello World" node as the destination.
Test your Result
Test your Result

Test your Global Node

  1. Go to "Channels", select "Trees". In "Settings", select and add the global node. Click "Save".
Test your Result
Test your Result
  1. Now you can type "Hi" again, and the chatbot will greet you again, which means the global node has redirected you to the first node.
Test your Result
Test your Result

STEP 6 : Members

What are Members?

A chatbot can talk to many people every day, how can we know who have interacted with your chatbot? Members are the subscribers of your chatbot. Anyone who has talked to your chatbot is recorded and can be checked in the Members Page in WOZTELL.

Click here to learn more about members.

Member Info & Conversation

  1. Go to "Channels", you can see the list of members who talked to your chatbot. You are able to see the basic information including: External ID, Name, Channel, Tag and Last Updated Time.
  1. After clicking on "Details", you can view the detailed information about a member, including: Basic Information, Language, Last Position in the Tree, and the Temp Data.
Member Details
Member Details
  1. In "Conversation", you can view the chat history between your chatbot and this member.
Conversation History
Conversation History
  1. You can also sort out particular group of members by using "Filter".
Member Details
Member Details
  1. Remember Temp Data? We can use it for storing data in the member's profile, but how?

STEP 7: Actions

What are Actions?

Action is a Promise function that can be used for logics, internal database manipulation and external API calling. In a tree node, a Pre-action is executed before sending the response, while a Post-action is executed after the response.

Click here to learn more about actions.

Save Composite ID

What is Composite ID

Composite ID is the unique ID for each tree node.

  1. We want to save the user's choice between apple and orange into the Temp Data. To do this, go to the Apple Node and the Orange Node, and click on "+ New Post-actions".
Add New Actions
Add New Actions
  1. Copy and paste the following code into the "Post-actions" of both node. This action helps you save the Composite ID of thie node to the Temp Data.
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.member.botMeta.tempData.nodeCompositeId = this.node.compositeId
this.member.botMeta.tempData.tree = this.node.tree
member: this.member,
Save Composite ID
Save Composite ID

Check Temp Data

  1. Say "Hi" to your chatbot again to activate the global node. Go through the same flow again and choose between Apple and Orange.
Repeat Chatbot Flow
Repeat Chatbot Flow
  1. Repeat Step 33-34 and check the Temp Data now.
Temp Data
Temp Data
  1. However, how can we view all the members' choices? We can make use of Data Source.

STEP 8: Data Source

What is Data Source?

Data Source is the mini-databse that you can create in WOZTELL. It stores and displays information collected by your chatbot, or for your chatbot to retrieve.

Click here to learn more about data source.

Create Data Source

  1. Head to "Data Source", select "+ New Data Source".
Data Source
Data Source
  1. Fill in the name and description for your data source.
Create Data Source
Create Data Source
  1. A new data source created.
New Data Source
New Data Source
  1. Click on "View" to view the data. You can also find and copy the Data Source ID.
Data Source ID
Data Source ID

Save Data to Data Source

  1. In both the Apple and Orange Node, create a post-action respectively.
Create Post Action
Create Post Action
  1. Input the following code in the post-action of both nodes. It can retrieve the Composite ID from the member's TempData and save it to your Data Source. Remember to fill in the Data Source ID into the script.
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
await this.upsertDataToDataSource({
data: {
"CompositeID": this.member.botMeta.tempData.nodeCompositeId = this.node.compositeId
} catch (e) {
console.log("cannot run upsertDataToDataSource, ", e.message)
member: this.member
Save to Data Source
Save to Data Source

Check Data Source

  1. Now, run your chatbot again.

  2. Head back to "Data Source" and see if you can find the Composite ID!

Data Source Result
Data Source Result

Ready to Step up?

Congratulations! You have completed a basic flow for your first chatbot in WOZTELL!

Next, you can try to connect and build your chatbot on other messaging platforms:

To explore more about WOZTELL, you also can refer to our Documentatioin Guide.